The boys went to the doctor today. It was Mazlo's first time, Carver's second. Carver helped Mazzy through it. It was all great news. After a mix up with the charts (the doctor thought Carver's discharge weight (6lbs) was Mazlo's (5lbs6oz)), we discovered that Mazzy put on 6oz in four days! Average babies put on about an ounce a day. Not my boys, if they don't put on 1.5 ounces a day they shouldn't even bother coming home for dinner. At this rate, they'll be 600 pounds each by their eighteenth birthdays. Then they can take out Tokyo.
As it turns out, Mazlo likely has a milk allergy. Let the nerdiness begin! This means Mae is completely off dairy, so the milk protein doesn't go into the breast milk. She's taking it very well. Today we learned Oreos don't contain milk, so there's that, but milk, butter, chocolate, cheese, etc. is out.
Here are the stats:
Mazlo is 5 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long. Carver is 6 lbs 11 oz and Mom can't remember his length. Nice job Mom, jeez.
posted by roman mars @ 7:01 PM