The parents are settling in to being back home, but the babies are still locked up in the joint. Once you get into the Special Care Nursery, you really have to prove yourself to get out. They each need to maintain their body temperature (check, check), have low bilirubin counts, i.e. no jaundice (check, check), consistently eat their minimum requirements every three hours (check, no check). Mazzy is a little sluggish on the bottle and requires extra assistance. He is still the cutest little monkey you've ever seen, but he's just not a good eater yet. Carver, on the other hand, is doing great on all fronts and could be home with us in the next day or two. Since they're identical, I can say under oath that Carver is also the cutest monkey you've ever seen.
I'm not sure how we're going to fair with one fragile little newborn at home and one in the hospital, but we will manage. They won't keep a healthy baby in just because his brother still needs to hang out. With us going back and forth a couple times a day, Carver's going to get some early experience with his car seat (Thanks Grandmom! Thanks Wentworths!).
That's the happs for now. I'm going back to show them off to our friends and hold them for a couple hours. Holding them has an almost narcotic calming effect. Blissful even. I've lost all interest in other worldly things. I'm a baby junkie.
posted by roman mars @ 1:20 PM